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ThemeX reveals low prices in used cars will effect which companies?
With the price of used cars recently declining, which companies will be most greatly impacted? With Context Analytics (CA) ThemeX, investors can pinpoint key words and phrases to see how trends can affect an array of companies across multiple sectors and industries.
Below is an example of CA’s ThemeX search engine, relating to the price of used or pre-owned vehicles seen in all the different types of SEC Filings over the last 15 years.
After clicking ‘Search’, users can see that the phrase, “used car prices”, was mentioned in 1,959 different SEC filings, spanning across 1,694 companies.
Here is a preview of some of the companies which have mentioned the words shown in the ThemeX search engine, along with their ticker and the number of documents in which these words/phrases appear in.
This is a snippet from Allstate Corporation’s most recent Earnings Call Transcript from a few weeks ago. ThemeX allows investors to see their inputted words/phrases appear in a multitude of document types and in many different sections of the respective document. In this example, the decline of used car prices not only affects automotive companies, but also insurance and rental car companies, to name a few.
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