At Context Analytics, we're at the forefront of enriching investment strategies through the integrat...
Context Analytics' Blogs
Twitter S-Score Open-to-Close Quintiles
Context Analytics (CA) is the leader in processing and structuring textual data for sentiment analys...
Unveiling the Power of 8-K Negativity Percentage: A Continued Study
In September 2023, we introduced the Negativity Percentage, a metric derived from our proprietary Na...
Context Analytics (CA) is the leader in processing and structuring textual data for sentiment analys...
Enhancing Trading Strategies with Stocktwits Data: A Bayesian Approach
In the financial landscape, access to timely and reliable market sentiment is invaluable for traders...
Quantitative News Follow Up Study
Following our initial research on Context Analytics’ Quantitative News Feed sentiment with daily clo...
News Widget Key Features
At Context Analytics, we're excited to announce a significant enhancement to our product, the Unstru...
News S&P 500 Tilt Blog
Context Analytics is thrilled to announce the official launch of our Quantitative News Feed. In this...
At Context Analytics, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of harnessing unstructured financ...
Context Analytics (CA) is the leader in processing and structuring textual data for sentiment analys...